Showcase tomorrow night!

What is Student Showcase?

Each student at Mt. Harrison High School has a table where they are displaying their favorite work from this quarter. Students have chosen the work that they are most proud of.

Who can attend Showcase?

Everyone in the community who is legally allowed to be at a school is invited to attend Showcase. This includes parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, etc.

Where is Showcase?

Mt. Harrison High School 1431 17th St. in Heyburn, Idaho

When is Showcase?

Thursday, December 12 from 5-6:00 PM (Students are expected to be in attendance for the full hour)

What can I expect?

When you walk in the school, there will be a table in the entry. Sign in there and get a form. You will take the form with you as you look at student displays and visit with the students. The student you visit with will sign your form. We encourage you to visit multiple classrooms and ask many questions about what the students are learning, what they're most proud of, and what they've learned this quarter.

When you have collected all of the signatures, you will return your form to the head table and collect a raffle ticket. We will draw for the door prize at 5:55 PM and you do need to present to win.

Can't wait to have you join us for a fun night of allowing our students to shine!