We are so proud of the West Minico Middle School team for making it as a NATIONAL finalist for the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow grant. Let’s show some community support and Idaho pride and vote for them. Click the link to watch the video of their project “Hope Notes” and vote for them. We are extremely proud #WeAreMinidoka https://www.samsung.com/us/solvefortomorrow/ You can vote every day until April 23rd.
11 months ago, Ashley Johnson
Solve for Tomorrow
Do you have a child who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2024? Or know someone who does? Share with them - Kindergarten Pre-Registration will be April 26 at your school location. Registration is at each elementary school from 8:00-3:00.
12 months ago, Ashley Johnson
Kindergarten Pre-Registration
Kindergarten Registration Spanish
Bus Routes 202 and 232 will resume as normal tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. See you on the bus!
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Routes Resume
Don't forget- happening TONIGHT! The community event will be held on March 4th from 7:00 - 8:30 PM at the King Fine Arts Center at Burley High School. There will also be a Potato Bar at BHS Cafeteria from 6:00 - 6:45 PM (Free to the first 300 people who come – Sponsored by PAuSe). Singer Alex Boye's "You Are a 10!"💗 is an empowering event dedicated to positive self-image, resilience, and mental health. Alex's soulful performance weaves throughout the event, enhancing the transformative experience. Attendees will explore self-discovery, hear empowering stories, and leave with tools to navigate life's challenges. Join Alex Boye for a celebration of imperfection and self-love through the universal language of music. We hope to see you all there!💗
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Alex Boye
Due to a bus driver shortage, bus # 232 and bus #202 will not be running today, March 4, 2024. Parents will need to drop off and pick up students that ride these busses. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you have questions, please contact the transportation department at 208-436-3311.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
March 4, 2024
Due to a bus driver shortage, bus # 232 will not be running the route the remainder of the week - February 27-29, 2024. Parents will need to drop off and pick up students that ride this bus. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you questions, please contact the transportation department 208-436-3311
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Route 232
Due to a bus driver shortage, tomorrow, February 26, 2024, the following adjustments will be made to bus route 134 (the key bus). In Acequia - bus 134 (key route) will be a late pickup. Those who live in town and ride bus 134 - parents will need to transport students to and from school. Bus 134 will not run the in town route tomorrow. If you have any questions, please contact the transportation department 208-436-3311
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Route 134
Don't miss out on this rescheduled community event... March 4 at 7:00 PM at the King Fine Arts Center
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Alex Boye
Thank you for your support last week as we had to utilize alternate bus routes. All bus routes will return back to regular routes this week.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Regular Bus Routes
Please NOTE: An additional route in the Acequia area - bus 154 has been added to the list. Parents: Because of the road conditions, weather and continued melting snow, we will implement alternate bus routes for FEBRUARY 7-8, 2024. Some bus routes will be affected (see image for affected routes). Please turn on your emergency flashers so bus drivers know when to stop. We will start picking up students at 6:20 AM the furthest out and moving towards town. In the afternoon, please return to the intersection to pick up your students (both elementary and then again for secondary). This will affect the following buses. We realize this is an inconvenience for parents, but this is a precaution being taken for roads affected by the rain, melting snow, and severely muddy roads. If you have questions, please call 208-436-4727.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Alternate Bus Routes
Parents: Because of the road conditions, weather and continued melting snow, we will implement alternate bus routes for FEBRUARY 7-8, 2024. Some bus routes will be affected (see image for affected routes). Please turn on your emergency flashers so bus drivers know when to stop. We will start picking up students at 6:20 AM the furthest out and moving towards town. In the afternoon, please return to the intersection to pick up your students (both elementary and then again for secondary). This will affect the following buses. We realize this is an inconvenience for parents, but this is a precaution being taken for roads affected by the rain, melting snow, and severely muddy roads. If you have questions, please call 208-436-4727.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Alternate Bus Routes
We are looking for some feedback on the summer meals program. Please click the link to give us some feedback. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-KE58xP5aEtr_kTO9t2fYECL7hFTb1d7Kez6lKHxntw3VeA/viewform?usp=sf_link
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Summer Meals Survey
We're testing our software we use to post to the website, social media, and the app. Have you ever wondered where it snows the most? Check out this article from Wonderopolis. https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/where-does-it-snow-the-most
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Hello January
Due to current road conditions and blowing and drifting snow, there will be no school in Minidoka County School District on Wednesday, January 17 2024. This will be an emergency school closure day, no online learning. Please stay safe!
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
School Closure January 17, 2024
Did you know Minidoka Schools has an app to keep you up to date on district and individual school happenings? Do you want to be the first to be notified of school closures and other timely announcement? First notification is sent through the app. Make sure you download the Minidoka School District app in the Google Play or App Store and turn on notifications
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Minidoka App
App Notifications
Tonight's regularly scheduled board meeting has been rescheduled for January 23, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
Board Meeting
Due to road conditions and blowing and drifting snow, there will be NO school in Minidoka County School District on Monday, January 15, 2024. This will be an emergency closure day, there will be NO online learning. Stay safe.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
School Closure
Due to road conditions and blowing and drifting snow, there will be NO school in Minidoka County School District on Monday, January 15, 2024. This will be an emergency closure day, there will be NO online learning. Stay safe.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
School Closure January 15
Due to road conditions and based on the the recommendation from the Minidoka County Highway Department, there will be no school on Thursday, January 11, 2024. This is an emergency closure day- it will NOT be an online learning day. Please note: the comments on our posts are not a place to be negative or critical towards other school district and decisions made about closing school. These are never easy decisions. Negative or derogatory comments will be deleted and/or comments will be turned off completely if needed.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
No School - January 11
Minidoka County School District will be releasing students at 1:00 today because of weather conditions. We will follow the early release schedule and some school release times will vary slightly.
about 1 year ago, Ashley Johnson
School Closure