Blue Cross of Idaho - image

Group Number: 10036165

Medical Claim Questions: (986) 224-4151

PO Box 7408

Boise, ID 83707

Delta Dental

Group Number: 60

Dental Claim Questions: 1-208-344-4546

200 N. 4th Street

Boise, ID 83720

Vision Services Plan

Group Number: 12056021/001/001

Employee's ID number is your Social Security Number

Vision Claims Questions: 1-800-877-7195

Send Claim for reimbursement to:

Vision Service Plan

Attn: Claims Service

PO Box 385018

Birmingham, AL 35238-5018

(Include your SS #, Group Number and Minidoka County School District 331)


PERSI Base Plan

Boise - 1-800-451-8228 or 208-334-3365

PERSI Choice Plan

Toll Free 1-866-ID-PERSI (1-866-437-3774)

P.O. Box 83720

Boise, ID 83720-0078

BPA Health

Employee Assistance Program

Start at our mobile friendly website:

Search for local providers with which to schedule an appointment. Login to see details of your plan and to access the online resources Befor eattending a counseling appointment, or if you want to talk to a lawyer or financial advisor: Call 800-726-0003 or go ONLINE to submit a Request for Service form.


Please address specific questions to the District Benefit Department.

436-4727 x1110

American Fidelity

(Reimbursement Form Available on Website)

Telephone: 1-800-662-1113

PO Box 25510, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0510

Please refer other questions you may have regarding your benefit coverage to the District Office Staff. 

Phone: (208) 436-4727 | Fax: (208) 436-6593 

Amber Rosenstengel Personnel-Salary | Lexi Baker Payroll-Benefits